
Monday 18 June 2007

Tony Osborne's Blues-Style (1981)

Courtesy of Tony Osborne and David Heyes/ Recital Music.
Tony Osborne's Blues-Style. Performed by Emily, XM and PY from d'Bassists on 31 May 2007 at Esplanade Concourse, Singapore. Esplanade Presents At The Concourse: Basso Bravo!
Video URL:

Tony Osborne's Blues-Style for 3 Double Basses, is an appealing piece of music. I find it lively and rhythmic. It's a fun piece of music to play! Enjoy the above video clip.

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Taken during one of our rehearsals.

About Tony Osborne:
(adapted from notes by David Heyes, 2004)
Tony Osborne is an important double bass educationalist and composer who has made significant contributions to the double bass literature.

In 2001, Tony Osborne was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music (ARAM) for his pioneering and important work for the double bass.

For more about Tony Osborne, please visit the following websites: (Tony Osborne's website) (A-Z search, under "O")

Music available from:
(sheet music/double bass - Publisher: Recital Music, UK)

Related posts:
Basso Bravo
Music for Trio


Jason Heath said...

This is a great video! I will put this up on my blog as well. I really like how professional you are in the citations, background info, and the like. Your site is really a top-notch example of what people can do with Blogger! It's better then almost any musician website Ive seen.

oceanskies79 said...

Thank you Jason for your compliments. :)