
Saturday 7 April 2007

Attempting: Bossa Nova

Photo taken at Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, in Mar 2006.

In case you are wondering why d'Bassists have been quiet of late, it is because we are now taking a month's break from our quartet rehearsals. A number of the members of d'Bassists are undergraduates from the National University of Singapore, and since the university's examinations are on their way, it makes good sense to take a break so that the undergraduates can find the time to catch up on their examination preparations and academic demands.

In the pipeline, d'Bassists have planned to rehearse Sentimental Bossa, a double bass quartet by Murray "Doc" Solomon (2002) in about a month's later.

According to the notes found on the scores:
Sentimental Bossa is a tribute to Jobim, King of the Bossa Nova. The melody line starts pizzicato in the upper register and then supported an octave lower by a second bass, while the Bossa rhythm and countermelody are in contrast. The middle portion of the Bossa is arco and legato and lastly, the melody becomes fully developed in a sequential manner...

QH likes listening to Bossa Nova, and I am hoping that she can enlighten me on how I should feel the Bossa rhythm in my bones.

On the side, I have this idea of finding people to dance to our quartet's rendition of Sentimental Bossa if we were to perform this work in public. I think it would be cool to present Sentimental Bossa together with some dance performances. Would anyone like to be part of the dancing team?

It would be nice to have a drummer to play Sentimental Bossa with us too. Won't you think so?

Whatever it is, playing this work, Sentimental Bossa, sounds fun.

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